به منظور راحتی کار مراجعین، رژیم از طریق واتس اپ ارسال می شود. قبل از هرنوع واریزی حتما اول بین 12 تا 3 ظهر با مطب تماس بگیرید. شماره های مطب 22750414 و 22750449 می باشد. به علت کثرت درخواست ها، هیچگونه پیامی خوانده نمی شود و فقط باید با شماره های اصلی مظب تماس بگیرید.


 شماره واتس اپ مطب ۰۹۳۰۸۰۵۶۴۶۷ می باشد.

شماره کارت: 6393461027444591 بانک سینا بنام رضا راست منش و عکس فیش ارسالی را بعد از راهنمایی گرفتن از خانم منشی باید به همین شماره واتس اپ کنید.

هیچگونه پیامی خوانده نمی شود و فقط باید با شماره های اصلی مظب تماس بگیرید



Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

معرفی به دوستان اشتراک گذاری

دكتر راست منش يكي از اعضاي هيات تحريره ژورنال انگليسي زبانJournal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapyاست كه در آمريكا به چاپ مي رسد.

Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

ساير اعضاي تحريره عبارتند از:


Luigi Schiavo
Clinical Nutritionist and Researcher
Departments of Anaesthesiology, Surgery and Emergency Sciences
University of Naples
University of Naples
Biography :

 Dr. Luigi Schiavo is a PhD, Clinical Nutritionist and Researcher in Departments of Anaesthesiology, Surgery and Emergency Sciences at Second University of Naples, School of Medicine. He is also part of the IX Division of General, Vascular Surgery & Applied Biotechnology, Bariatric Surgery Unit at Second University of Naples University Hospital.
He graduated with honors from the Second University of Naples, Italy. He conducted his post-doctoral studies at University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy and in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Research Interest :

 1.Dietetics applied to bariatric surgery
2.Clinical impact of bariatric surgery on patient’s body composition (fat mass and fat-free mass) and Resting Metabolic Rate
3.Pre- and post-operative treatment of micronutrient deficiencies in patients that underwent bariatric surgery
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Nobuko Yamada Goto     

Nobuko Yamada-Goto
Department of Medicine and Clinical Science
Kyoto University
Kyoto University
Biography :

Dr. Nobuko Yamada-Goto completed PhD Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. in 2010 she was awarded with JES Young Investigator Award by The 83th Annual Meeting of the Japan Endocrine Society, She is a member of different societies like The Japan Diabetes Society, The Japan Endocrine Society. She is currently working as Assistant Professor of Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine and she is certified medical practitioner.
Research Interest :

Her areas of research interests are psychoneuroendocrinology. During the period of her residency in endocrinology, she realized how important the mental function is when taking care of patients with obesity and diabetes. So, in her PhD course, she demonstrated how neural peptides which regulate energy balance also modulate mood and memory/learning by using animal behavior and rat primary neuronal cultures. Specifically, she study the mechanism of mental disorders associate with obesity. She am also interested in reward circuit and its corroboration with memory/learning and mood which is also important in body weight regulation. The long-term goal is to build a liaison therapy for weight management
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Ion C Baianu     

Ion C. Baianu, PhD
Department of Food Chemistry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tel: 217-244-6630
University of Illinois
Biography :

Dr. Ion C. Baianu completed his Ph.D. in Biophysics, from University of London, Queen Elizabeth College, Department of Physics, London, UK (with Professor R.E. Burge, DSc, F.Inst.P.), 1974.Ion C. Baianu Working as a Professor of Food Physical Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana, ACES, Food Science and Human Nutrition Department (1994- till date). He worked as a Coordinate Research Activities at the AFC-NMR and Micro- Spectroscopic Facility of ACES College. Research on Genetic and Analytical studies for Crop and Human Health Improvements, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana, Illinois, USA (1987-1994) Assistant Professor of Food Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana, Department of Food Science (1982-87) Senior Research Associate, School of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana, with Professor H.S. Godowsky, Fmr. Member of the National Academy of Sciences: Spectroscopic studies of Protein Crystals and Bacterial/Photosynthetic membranes: High-Resolution NMR/Laser-Induced Fluorescence and oxygen Evolution in Functional Chloroplasts (1980-1982).
Research Interest :

Food Chemistry;  Nuclear Engineering
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Masayoshi Yamaguchi     

Executive Editor
Masayoshi Yamaguchi, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Department of Hematology and Biomedical Oncology
Emory University
Tel: 404-664-7422
Emory University
Biography :

Masayoshi Yamaguchi, Ph.D., IOM, FAOE, DDG, DG, is Adjunct Professor, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA (2013-); Visiting Professor in Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA (2012–2013); Visiting Professor in Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA (2012); Visiting Professor in Department of Foods and Nutrition, The University of Georgia, GA, USA (2011 – 2012); Visiting Professor in Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism and Lipids, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, GA, USA (2007 – 2011); Professor in Laboratory of Endocrinology and Molecular Metabolism, Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan (1993 ~ August 2007); Associate Professor in Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan (1991~1993); Assistant Professor in School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan (1987~1991); Visiting Assistant Professor in The University of Texas Medical School at Huston, USA (1988); Assistant Professor in Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, Japan (1986~1987); Visiting Assistant Professor in Texas Tech University School of Medicine, USA (1985); Visiting Lecturer in The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA (1981); Research Associate in Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, Japan (1973 ~ 1986). He received a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Shizuoka College of Pharmacy (1976, Japan). He has completed his B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shizuoka, Japan (1971). Dr. Yamaguchi is engaged in the fields of bone and calcium endocrinology and cell calcium signaling since 1971, and these researches are developed in the aspect of biochemistry, molecular biology, endocrinology, metabolism, nutrition, pharmacology, and toxicology. Dr. Yamaguchi has an interesting for cell signaling mechanism, bone biology, nutritional factor and osteoporosis prevention, diabetic osteoporosis, and cancer bone metastasis and osteolysis. Moreover, Dr. Yamaguchi discovered two novel proteins and genes; cell signaling suppressor protein (named regucalcin; 1978) and transcriptional factor RGPR-p117 (regucalcin gene promoter region-related protein; 2001) in mammalian cells. Dr. Yamaguchi generated regucalcin transgenic rats, which were registered as international patents (USA, EU, Japan, and Korea), and this animal is found to induce osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia. The research of regucalcin is focused as a scientific topic. Dr. Yamaguchi published over 500 English articles to professional journals with peer-review. In addition, Dr. Yamaguchi registered over 20 national and international patents in the fields of his research interesting. Dr. Yamaguchi is serving as editors and editorial board members of reputed 40 international Journals. He received many honor and awards; Prize for Sato Memorial Fundation (1992, Japan/USA), Senji Miyata Foundation Award 2005 (Japan), Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements Award 2007, The Lifetime Achievement Award from International Biographical Centre (IBC) (2004, England), The World Lifetime Achievement Award from American Biographical Institute (2004, USA), The Distinguished Service to Science Award from IBC (2007, England), and many others. Dr. Yamaguchi is listed in various biographies; Who’s Who in the World (2005-, Marquis Who’s Who, USA), Who’s Who in Sciences and Engineering (2004-, Marquis Who’s Who, USA), International Biographical Dictionary (2006-, IBC, England), and others.
Research Interest :

Calcium Endocrinology, Bone Biology, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Prevention by Nutritional factor, Cell signaling and disorder, Lipid Metabolism and Insulin impairment.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Hanrui Zhang     

Executive Editor
Hanrui Zhang, PhD
Principal Investigator
Department of Nutritional Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
Tel: 573-884-6208
Fax: 573-884-4232
University of Pennsylvania
Biography :

Dr. Hanrui Zhang obtained her MD/MSc in Chinese Medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and Ph.D. in pharmacology from University of Missouri-Columbia. She is author of over 20 papers in the field of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases on international peer reviewed journals, including ATVB, BRC, JMCC, AJP-Heart, Clinical Science, and Obesity, etc. She published over 10 abstracts, co-authored 1 book chapter, and is serving as reviewer for 10 journals.
Research Interest :

Vascular biology, Atherosclerosis, Ischemia/Reperfusion injury, Coronary artery diseases, Adipose inflammation, Insulin resistance, Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular complications, and Herbal pharmacology.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Alexandra Kautzky Willer     

Executive Editor
Alexandra Kautzky Willer, MD
Department of Internal Medicine III
Medical University of Vienna
Tel: 0043-0140400 2126
Medical University of Vienna
Biography :

Dr. Alexandra Kautzky Willer is a Professor of Gender Medicine at Medical University in Vienna where she heads the Gender Medicine Unit and the university course of gender medicine. She has specialized in Internal Medicine and in Endocrinology and Metabolism. She is board member of numerous medical and scientific associations, among these, the Austrian Associations for Diabetes, Gender Medicine, and Obesity. She is member of the Diabetes Pregnancy Study Group Europe (DPSG) and scientific consultant of national and international Medical-Scientific Funds. She serves as reviewer in leading journals and has received awards such as the Höchst Award 1995 and the Joseph Hoet Research Award 2004. She is a member of the Expert Panel of the German Diabetes Association for Evidence-Based Recommendations for Diabetes and Pregnancy, and has published 149 original papers with a total impact factor of more than 500. In addition, she has published numerous reviews, book chapters, Guidelines/Practical Recommendations, and Audit Reports.
Research Interest :

Gestational diabetes
Gender aspects of obesity
Gender aspects of metabolic syndrome
Gender aspects of type 2 diabetes
Gender aspects of type 1 diabetes/autoimmunity
Gender aspects of insulin resistance and beta cell function: Changes in pathogenesis of and interaction with different disease processes
Gender aspects of inflammation, Adipokines, Endothelial dysfunction
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Marjorie M Heinzer     

Marjorie M. Heinzer, PhD
Associate Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Tel: 216-368-5242
Fax: 216-368-3542
Case Western Reserve University
Biography :

Dr. Marjorie (Peg) Heinzer is an Associate Professor at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). As a pediatric nurse practitioner, she has a special interest in elementary and middle school students energy balance and overweight prevention. During the past several years, she worked with African American students in an urban elementary school with a daily dance pad exercise program before classes to help reduce overweight status and improve lifestyle behaviors. Peg taught pediatric nursing to undergraduate and graduate students and was Director of Institutional Research for the School of Nursing. In that research role, she monitored and reported outcomes data for accreditation standards. She has guided many PhD and DNP students in their research, particularly with a focus on childhood obesity. In addition, she is a manuscript reviewer for eight nursing journals. Currently, she is the Continuing Education Coordinator for the nursing school at CWRU.
Research Interest :

Dance, exercise and video-directed dance activities for overweight and obese children.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Shuxia Wang     

Shuxia Wang, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Nutritional Sciences
University of Kentucky
Tel: 859-218-1367
Fax: 859-257-3646
University of Kentucky
Biography :

Dr. Shuxia Wang working as an Associate Professor at Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences University of Kentucky, Graduate Center for Nutritional Sciences. She completed her M.D in 1991 from Shanxi Medical University, China and Ph.D Physiology in 1997 from Peking Union Medical College, China.
Research Interest :

Obesity and Hyperglycemia induces the development and progression of cardiovascular and kidney complications.
 Research Interest
Kavita Shah     

Kavita Shah, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Purdue University
Purdue University
Biography :

Dr. Kavita Shah completed her Ph.D in 1991 from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India on Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. S. Ranganathan, I.I.T. Kanpur, India (1992 – 1993). Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. T. M. Rana, UMDNJ- Robert Wood Johnson,Piscataway, NJ(1993 – 1994). Postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. K. M. Shokat, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ(1993 – 1999). Group Leader Oncology, Genomics Institute of Novartis Research Foundation, San Diego, CA (1999 - 2004). Presently working as an Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Research Interest :

Roles of kinases and G Proteins in cancer and neurodegeneration using chemical and genetic approaches, Oncogenic targets of Aurora A kinase in breast, prostate and ovarian cancer cells. Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for cancer progression. Elucidating the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to neurodegeneration in Alzheimers Disease.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Elizabeth Ryan     

Elizabeth Ryan, PhD
Assistant Professor
CSU Animal Cancer Center
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Tel: 970-297-5301
Biography :

Dr. Elizabeth Ryan is the first generation in the USA as her family is from Kerala, South India. Prior to entering graduate school at the University of Rochester Medical Center in the field of molecular toxicology, Her work experiences contributed to her scientific research interests on a local and global scale. As an educator for HawkWatch International, my main objective was to create education programs to the public on how Birds of Prey are environmental barometers of human health. During her service with the U.S. Peace Corps in Nepal, She conducted several trainings in conjunction with women’s health initiatives geared towards improving hygiene and nutrition for disease prevention and reducing environmental exposures. She also conducted ecological and human health risk assessments as well as drafted/audited EPA Toxicological Profile reports while working at Tetra Tech NUS and consulting for Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Engineering (ORISE). She discovered that her strengths and passion to address major public health issues, specifically those regarding immunity and cancer were through hypothesis-driven research, and thus sought out postdoctoral training with a NCI Cancer Control and Prevention fellowship to translate laboratory findings of “reduced humoral immune responses by NSAIDs” to vaccine trials in the clinic.
Research Interest :

Immune modulation and anti-cancer activity of bioactive components in rice bran. Silibinin, on tumor metabolism during doxorubicin treatment of canine Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Osama Hamdy     

Osama Hamdy, PhD
Medical Director - Obesity Clinical Program
Harvard Medical School
Tel: 617 732-2400
Fax: 617 264-2712
Harvard Medical School
Biography :

Dr. Hamdy is the Medical Director of the Obesity Clinical Program, at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His clinical research focuses on the short- and long-term effects of lifestyle modification on metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors, body fat distribution and inflammation markers in obese individuals with diabetes.  Dr. Hamdy and colleagues’ research led to the first discovery that obese adults who lost 7% of their initial weight had significant improvement of their vascular endothelial function. This improvement may eventually prevent progression of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Dr. Hamdy is a co-investigator of 2 landmark studies; the National Diabetes Prevention Program and the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Study.  He developed the “Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment-Why WAIT?” program and the YOU-Turn program, the world’s first clinical practice weight management programs for obese patients with diabetes. Why WAIT showed long-term significant improvement in diabetes control, lipid, kidney and liver profiles together with significant improvement in quality of life and physical fitness. Participants were also able to cut their diabetes medications by -50%.
Research Interest :

1.Metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors,
2.Body fat distribution and inflammation markers in obese individuals with diabetes.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Shirin Hooshmand     

Shirin Hooshmand, PhD
Assistant Professor of Nutrition
School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
San Diego State University
Tel: 619-594-6984
Fax: 619-594-6553
San Diego State University
Biography :

Shirin Hooshmand is currently an Assistant Professor of nutrition at the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University (SDSU).  She received her PhD from the Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences at Florida State University where she studied the bone reversal effects of plants bioactive compounds. She completed her postdoctoral training at the Florida State University working in the area of nutrition, bone and cartilage. Her current research interests include bone and calcium metabolism, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, and functional foods. She has served as an ad hoc reviewer for the USDA\\\\s small business innovation research (SBIR) grants for Food Science and Nutrition program. She has published 15 original articles in peer reviewed journals and presented more than 40 abstracts in national and international symposiums. She has received Graduate Women in Science Fellowship from Graduate Women in Science (GWIS) and Graduate Research and Creativity Award from Florida State University.
Research Interest :

Bone and Calcium Metabolism, Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis and Functional Foods.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Mahbubur Rahman     

Mahbubur Rahman, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The University of Texas
Tel: 409-722-2978
Fax: 409-747-5129
The University of Texas
Biography :

Dr. Mahbubur Rahman is an assistant professor in the department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Dr. Rahman received his medical degree from Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, a Masters degree from Harvard School of Public Health, and a PhD degree in Clinical Epidemiology from Kyoto University, Japan. His areas of expertise include obesity, body composition and nutritional awareness. He is a reviewer of 16 journals and has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles.
Research Interest :

Obesity; accuracy of body mass index cutoff values for obesity; Nutritional awareness; Body composition.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Dan Eisenberg     

Dan Eisenberg, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery
Stanford School of Medicine
Tel: 650-209-5922
Fax: 650-852-3430
Stanford University School of Medicine
Biography :

Dr. Eisenberg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery and Director of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto VA Health Care System in Stanford, CA. Dr. Eisenberg’s research focuses mainly on new and innovative minimally invasive surgery techniques and in 2008, Dr. Eisenberg won the Faculty Certificate of Recognition Award from the Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons. Prior to Stanford School of Medicine, Dr. Eisenberg completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery at Yale New-Haven Hospital in 2007 following his residency there. Dr. Eisenberg earned a Doctors of Medicine (MD) degree from Washington University in 1999 and received both a Master and Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Yale University.
Research Interest :

Minimally Invasive Surgery Metabolic-Bariatric Surgery.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Xinfu Guan     

Xinfu Guan, PhD
Assistant Professor
Departments of Pediatrics & Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Biography :

Dr. Xinfu Guan received his Ph.D. in Nutrition in 2001 from Michigan State University;and completed his post‐doctoral fellowship in Gastroenterology & Nutrition in 2004 at Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Guan is a Nutrition Scientist at the USDA Children’s Nutrition Research Center, and an Assistant Professor of Endocrinology & Nutrition in Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Guan’s research interest is focused on the physiological roles of glucagon‐like peptides and their receptors in the regulation of energy metabolism and glucose homeostasis. His research work has been funded by the NIH, the USDA, and several foundations. Dr. Guan has published over 45 peer‐reviewed papers and book chapters; and served on several editorial boards. Dr. Guan is a recipient of the Peter Reeds Outstanding Young  Investigator Award by the American Society for Nutrition; and the Chinese Overseas Outstanding Young Investigator Award by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China.
Research Interest :

Cellular action and signalling network of glucagon-like peptide receptors.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Ock K. Chun     

Ock K. Chun, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Nutritional Sciences
University of Connecticut
Tel: 860-486-6275
University of Connecticut
Biography :
Research Interest :

Impact of dietary antioxdants on improving oxidative stress & inflammatory process estimation of antioxidative intake of U.S population from diet supplements by utilizing national databases Dietary behaviors & nutritional  status in health & disease Nutritional epidemiology.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Yoonjung Park     

Yoonjung Park, PhD
Assistant Professor, Exercise Physiology
Department of Health & Human Performance
University of Houston
Phone: (713) 743-9350
Fax: (713) 743-9860
University of Houston
Biography :

Dr. Yoonjung Park is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Science at the Texas Tech University.  He received Ph.D. degree in Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology from Texas A&M University in the department of Health and Kinesiology and completed his postdoctoral training in the Departments of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology at Texas A&M University and in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Division of  Cardiovascular Medicine, at University of Missouri. He has a number of  publications in the field of obesity, diabetes, aging and cardiovascular disease, especially microcirculation, and has an expertise in the effects of exercise/physical activity on vascular function.

Research Interest :

Metabolic syndrome (obesity and type 2 diabetes)
Vascular dysfunction
Physical activity and/or exercise training prevent and/or ameliorate vascular dysfunction.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Cindy Tworek     

Cindy Tworek, PhD
Assistant Professor-School of Pharmacy
West Virginia University
Tel: 304-293-0228
Fax: 301-293-2529
West Virginia University
Biography :

Dr. Tworek received her Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Community Health from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Other graduate degrees include a MS in Public Policy Analysis and MPH from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. She is a faculty member at West Virginia University and the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center in Morgantown, WV. She teaches courses in ‘Disease Prevention Health Promotion’ and ‘Social and Behavioral Theory in Health Outcomes Research’. Professionally, Dr. Tworek has worked as a researcher conducting studies in health behavior, healthy lifestyle behaviors, and tobacco control, in addition to community-based research and models for substance abuse prevention. She is also involved with efforts to promote health literacy and effectively translate research into practice, improving public health and enhancing prevention practices among communities. She has a number of publications and has presented her work at both national and international professional meetings.
Research Interest :

Health Behavior, Tobacco Control, Health Promotion, Healthy Lifestyle – Diet and Physical Activity, Health Outcomes Research, Community Intervention, Evaluation, Substance Abuse Prevention, Health Policy, Applied Health Services Research, Public Health, Epidemiology.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Carol A. Denysschen     

Carol A. Denysschen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department Nutrition and Dietetics
Buffalo State University of New York
Tel: 716-807-7774
Read Interview session with Carol A. Denysschen
Buffalo State College
Biography :

Dr. Carol A. DeNysschen academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University, Master’s Degree in Public Health Administration with an emphasis on Nutrition from the University of Minnesota, a certification in Health Care Administration from D’Youville College, and a Doctorate in Exercise Science from the University at Buffalo. Her professional career is as a Registered Dietitian, Long Term Care Administrator and Assistant Professor (Buffalo State College). She has over 20 years experience in health care.


Research Interest :

Breast cancer research, Nutrition, Diet, Exercise, Cardiovascular disease, Vitamin D intake and Weight loss management.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Hongwei Wang     

Hongwei Wang, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Endocrinology
The University of Chicago
Tel: 773-702-3502
The University of Chicago
Biography :

Dr. Hongwei Wang completed his MS from Suzhou Medical College (1999). He received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Fudan University Institute of Genetics (2002), presently he is working as an Assistant Professor in Endocrinology Dept, in University of Chicago.
Research Interest :

Molecular biology, Cell and Tissue culture, Genetics and Epigenetics, Gene regulation studies.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Kynna Wright Volel     

Kynna Wright Volel, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
The University of California
Tel: 310-267-1165
Fax: 310-206-3241
University of California
Biography :

Dr. Kynna Wright-Volel is an Assistant Professor and Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Nursing and a Board Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. The consistent theme in her research is the utilization of community-based participatory research methodologies to reduce health disparities among medically underserved children, by understanding social determinants of health as it relates to pediatric chronic diseases (e.g., obesity and asthma). Grants from NIH and other sources support her research on the interactions of community-university partnerships, school-based programs and behaviors on the prevention of obesity and obesity-related illness. Dr. Wright-Volel is an interdisciplinary leader and an expert in the fields of pediatrics, maternal-child health, health promotion, obesity, asthma, public/community health, disparities and diversity. As a Clinical Expert she on the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner’s obesity, school health, respiratory and nutrition committees; as well as the American Academy of Nursing’s Child/Adolescent/Family and Maternal-Infant Health Expert Panels as well as their Inclusion and Diversity Taskforce. She is a strong spokeswoman for nursing’s contributions to health promotion, through her roles as past Chair of the LA Care Health Plan Child Health Advisory Committee, and active leader in the American Public Health Association’s Board of Governors Equal Health Opportunity Committee, and as a Section Councilor for their MCH Section.  She has been recognized for her leadership and scholarly activities with accommodations including, the National Black Nurses Association Nurse Researcher of the Year, the Office of Minority Health’s Community Trailblazer Award, and the American Public Health Association’s MCH Young Professionals Award and several Proclamations from State and local government officials.
Research Interest :

Obesity, Asthma and Pediatric Chronic Diseases
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Melinda J. Ickes     

Melinda J. Ickes
Assistant Professor
Department of Kinesiology & Health Promotion
University of Kentucky
Tel: 859-257-1625
University of Kentucky
Biography :

Dr. Melinda Ickes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion at the University of Kentucky. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in 2010. Dr. Ickes teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in health promotion at the University of Kentucky including: Program Planning, Health Promotion and Behavior Change, and College Health Promotion. Dr. Ickes is a faculty associate for the Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy, and the Director of both Tobacco-free Take Action! and Go Tobacco-free, two initiatives to promote tobacco-free campuses. Her research interests are in the areas of tobacco control, college health promotion, and childhood obesity prevention. Dr. Ickes is an active member of SOPHE, as a Co-Chair of the University Faculty Community of Practice and a State Health Policy expert. She also maintains health promotion collaborations with community-based organizations, such as the 16th District PTA and their wellness initiatives, along with the local YMCAs and their aims to decrease chronic disease across Kentucky.
Research Interest :

Childhood obesity, HIV/AIDS in African American adolescents, Nutrition and physical activity
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Stacey L Tannenbaum     

Stacey L. Tannenbaum, PhD
Assistant Scientist
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami
Tel: 954-383-3999
Biography :

Dr. Stacey L. Tannenbaum received a Bachelor of Science degree with highest distinction in Medical Nutrition at the Pennsylvania State University in 1980, a Master’s of Science degree in Home Economics and Nutrition from the New York University in 1987, and a Ph.D. in Dietetics and Nutrition from Florida International University in 2011. She has a long work experience in clinical dietetics, nutrition support, medical nutrition therapy, and the dietetics industry. She has had many years of experience in academia teaching at Keiser University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and Florida International University, Miami, Florida. Her research experience includes working at the National Resource Center for Aging and Physical Activity in Miami, Florida. She is currently working with the NIOSH Research Group at the University of Miami in Miami, Florida, authoring, co-authoring, and presenting, and reviewing research for numerous refereed journals. She has been a reviewer for Advanced Human Nutrition textbooks and has been invited to present her research at numerous organizations. Dr. Tannenbaum has won several prestigious Fellowship honors and was also awarded the American Dietetic Association Foundation Scholarship in 2010. Dr. Tannenbaum is currently serving as the President-Elect for the Broward County Dietetic Association for 2011-2012 and will be President for 2012-2013.
Research Interest :

Nutrition and physical activity factors in cardiovascular disease. The relationship of atherosclerosis with inflammation, obesity, and diabetes especially for individuals with the metabolic syndrome. Probiotics and their effects on colonocytes. Water requirements in older and/or obese adults.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Hong Wang     

Hong Wang, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Division of Endocrinology
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Virginia
Tel: 434-924-1265
University of Virginia
Biography :

Hong Wang obtained his Medical degree and Ph.D. degree from the Nanjing Medical University, China. His Ph.D. study focused on the biochemical pathways involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic chronic complications. He then practiced as a Clinical Associate Professor in adult endocrinology in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University for many years. In 1995, his interest in basic research led him to the USA. He first studied the central modulation of pain, particularly focused on the molecular neuroanatomical pathways in both central and peripheral nerve system in the department of Cell Biology and Neuroanatomy of University of Minnesota. In 1999, he moved to the University of Virginia to study the central regulation of respiratory and cardiovascular function in the Department of Pharmacology. Currently, he is a Senior Research Scientist in the department of Medicine.
Research Interest :

Insulin action on vascular endothelial biology and the molecular machinery that mediates biomacromoleculars move across the endothelial barrier.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Kathleen Kara Fitzpatrick     

Kathleen Kara Fitzpatrick, PhD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Stanford University
Tel: 650-723-5511
Stanford University
Biography :

Dr. Kathleen Kara Fitzpatrick completed her Research Post-doctoral Fellowship Division of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, from Stanford University School of Medicine (2006-2008). Clinical Post-doctoral Fellowship Division of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences from Stanford University School of Medicine 2005-2006. She finished her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.      Her post graduation is M.A. Psychology with Honors: California State University, Northridge. She secured A.B. Psychology with Distinction: University of California, Berkeley; Summa Cum Laude.
Research Interest :

Eating and Weight Disorders; Neuropsychological Assessment; Cognitive Remediation Therapy; Neuropsychological Components.
 Research Interest
Suman Garlapati     

Suman Garlapati, PhD
InvaGen Pharmaceuticals Inc
Tel: 1-914-486-1898
InvaGen Pharmaceuticals
Biography :

Dr. Suman Garlapati, born and brought up at Khammam Dist, AP, India, Aug 6, 1981; BS in Biotech from Kakatiya University (2001), MS in Biotech, Bharathidasan University (2003), Ph.D. University. Mysore (2008), MBA in Production Management MKU (2010), Selected Post Doc Fellow from Oregon State University. Oregon, USA. Presently working as a Drug Safety & Pharmacovigilance Officer InvaGen Pharm, Inc (2009), Trained Pharmacovigilance specialist from i3 CanReg, Canada, Certified MedDRA Coder, USA– Recipient Prof. D.C. Cooper, Rajyapuraskar, Soc. Cytology & Genetics, Indian Govt. Executive council member of INC Res (Kendle, Inc). Anti-Retroviral Pregnancy Registry.
Research Interest :

Obesity, Leptin gene disorders, Cancer Biology, Genetic Toxicology and Bioinformatics.
 Research Interest
Sung Eun Choi     

Sung Eun Choi (PhD, RD)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Family, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences
Queens College, the City University of New York, USA
Biography :

Dr. Sung Eun Choi is an Assistant Professor, Department of Family, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences, Queens College, the City University of New York, Flushing, NY. She is a food scientist and registered dietitian (RD) with expertise in food sensory science. She received her PhD in Food Science at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea in 1999. Her research interest includes the effects of taste perception on health, optimization of food formulations using sensory evaluation and nutrition in ethnic minority groups. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2003-2004) and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2004-2008).
Research Interest :

Food Sensory Science with Nutritional Science. The effects of taste perception on health; the influence of genetic sensitivity in bitter taste on taste preference and food intake; optimization of food recipes using sensory evaluation; nutrition in ethnic minority groups.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Burim N. Ametaj     

Burim N. Ametaj, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
University of Alberta
Tel: 780-492-98441
Fax: 780-492-4265
University of Alberta
Biography :

Dr. Burim N Ametaj’s background is in nutritional immunobiology He graduated at Iowa State University in 1999 He has held three posdoctoral positions at Iowa State University Purdue University and Cornell University He started working as an Assistant Professor at University of Alberta in 2004 Presently Dr. Ametaj is an Associate Professor at the same university He is involved in animal health research in several areas One of his areas of interest is determining dairy cattle metabolome including plasma milk urine and rumen fluid High throughput technologies involving NMR and GCMS have been used to identify and measure hundreds and thousands of metabolites present in different body fluids of cattle Dr. Ametaj also is involved in research activities trying to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in rodent models His team has developed a new oral vaccine to prevent metabolic and infectious diseases in periparturient dairy cattle He also has applied probiotics to lower the incidence of uterine infections Recently his team has developed a new grain processing technology to improve health and productivity of livestock animals Dr Ametaj is involved in teaching several undergraduate and graduate courses at University of Alberta including animal physiology and ruminant physiology and metabolic diseases.
Research Interest :

1) Studying the etiology and pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, determining dairy cattle metabolome in four major fluids (milk, plasma, urine, and rumen fluid).
2) Developing a new vaccine for prevention of transition cow diseases.
3) Using probiotics to prevent uterine infections and improve reproductive and productive performance of dairy cows.
4) Studying cow’s health during transitioning from the conventional into the organic system of management.
5) Developing new cereal grain processing technologies to improve health and productivity of ruminant animals.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Flora Ippoliti     

Flora Ippoliti, PhD
Associate Professor Master II level PsychoNeuroImmunology
Department of Experimental Medicine
Sapienza University
Tel: 06-3701159
La Sapienza University
Biography :

Flora Ippoliti, is working as a Associate Professor Master II level Psycho NeuroImmunology at Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University
Research Interest :

Chronic stress-related disease and possible prevention
 Research Interest
Christian H Anderwald     

Christian H. Anderwald, MD
Associate Professor
Clinical Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Medical University of Vienna
Tel: 431-40400-7257
Fax: 431-40400-7790
Medical University of Vienna
Biography :

Dr. Christian Anderwald was born on January 29th 1970 in Villach Austria He obtained his Mpharm and MD degrees in 1994 and 2002 respectively Since 2002 he has worked as Investigator at the EU funded project: Relationship between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease RISC He was during the first half of 2005 a Member of Working Group 4 Research of the Austrian Diabetes Plan in the Federal Ministry of Healthy and Women a Scientific ViceChaiman of the Medical Technical Academy of Studying Diet Assistants Vienna General Hospital since 2006 and a Member in the Steering Committee of the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance EGIR from 2007 to 2011 He has memberships in Föderation der Internationalen DonauSymposia über Diabetes mellitus FID Österreichische Diabetes Gesellschaft ÖDG and Österreichischer Journalisten Club ÖJC among others Anderwald received many scientific awards including Bank Austria Research Award for the Medical Thesis given by the Vienna University Thesis Award from the Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung in den neuen Universitätskliniken am AKH Wien and Theodor Billroth Award from the Austrian Medical Chamber Between 2008 and 2010 he achieved the degree as an MBA in health care management He fulfilled his training as a medical specialist in internal medicine as well as endocrinology and metabolism at the Medical University in Vienna and also at a community pharmacy in Arnoldstein Southern Austria At present he works in Padua Italy at the CNR with mathematical modeling calculations He is serving as an editorial board member of reputed journals and reviewer of more than 10 journals.
Research Interest :

Insulin (in-)sensitivity (measurements). Isolated perfused rat liver perfusion. Gut glucose absorption. Insulin release. Pancreas transplantation. Intima media thickness, atherosclerosis. Cost benefit analyses for diseases.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Jean Marc Catheline     

Jean Marc Catheline, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Visceral Surgery
Centre Hospital of Saint Denis
Biography :

Dr. Jean-Marc Catheline is working as an Associate Professor, in College of Medicine of Paris Hospitals.
Research Interest :

Laparoscopic surgery and laparoscopic ultrasound
Semiology digestive and urological surgery
Surgical pathology digestive
 Research Interest
Wlodzimierz Luczynski     

Wlodzimierz Luczynski, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics & Endocrinology
Medical University of Bialystok
Tel: 48 85 7450-730
Fax: 48 85 7450-730
Medical University of Bialystok
Biography :

Dr. Wlodzimierz Luczynski opened specialty in diabetology in the year 2009,  He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology, Diabetology with Cardiology Division (2008) Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. He completed his M.D in 2002 from Medical University of Bialystok.
Research Interest :

Medicine, Pediatrics, Diabetology, Immunology, Genetics.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Michael Gary Wetter     

Michael Gary Wetter
General, Trauma, Plastic/Reconstructive and Bariatric Surgery
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Biography :

Dr. Wetter is a Diplomate and Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association, and has served as an Oral Examination Commissioner and Subject Matter Expert for the California State Licensing Board of Psychology. He is an active member of the American Psychological Association, American Academy of Psychologists, the National Alliance of Psychology Providers, and the California Psychological Association. Dr. Wetter is a nationally recognized expert in the field of Psychology, and is an invited speaker and guest lecturer, training other psychologists and mental health professionals. Dr. Wetter has served as an expert consultant on numerous television programs, as well as to publications such as the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Men's Healthy Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Prevention Magazine, and Redbook Magazine. His research in the field of anxiety has been accepted in the United States Memorial Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and his theories on the subject of "anxiety transmission" have been published extensively. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Wetter is on the clinical staff of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he serves as the Associate Director of Psychology at the Center for Weight loss as well as manager for General surgery, Plastic/Reconstructive surgery, and Bariatric surgery. He is a Clinical Instructor of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, one of the only clinical psychologists on staff to receive such distinction. Dr. Wetter formerly served as the Chief of Adult Psychiatry Service for over 9 years at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, California. He has worked as an adjunct professor on the undergraduate and graduate faculties of the Dominican University of California in San Rafael, Harold Washington College in Chicago, California State University at Hayward, and Las Positas College in the Livermore Valley. Dr. Wetter earned his Bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of California, a Masters degree in Psychology from Northwestern University, and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University, where he was inducted as a lifetime member into Psi-Chi, the National Honors Society in Psychology. He completed his formal post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Psychology at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group.
Research Interest :

General, Trauma, Plastic/Reconstructive and Bariatric Surgery
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Joanna Radoszewska     

Joanna Radoszewska, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Child and Family Clinical Psychology
University of Warsaw
Tel: 48 22 55 49 772
University of Warsaw
Biography :

Dr. Radoszewska received her Ph.D. from Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland. She is presently working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Child and Family Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. She teaches courses in Clinical Psychology f. e. Obesity and eating disorders in clinical psychology, Psychological diagnosis, Psychopathology of adolescents. She has published several articles in the area of obesity in children and adolescents. She is consultant of Polish Psychological Association in Clinical Psychology of children suffering from somatic illness.

Research Interest :

Obesity and eating disorders in children and adolescents,  mental child representation in mother/ father; mental determinants of obese child – mother relationship; sense of identity of children treated from obesity, psychotherapy of obese children and adolescents.
 Research Interest
Soraya L Valles     

Soraya L. Valles, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
School of Medicine
University of Valencia
University of Valencia
Biography :

Dr. Soraya L. Valles completed her PhD in Alcohol action mechanisms with Consuelo Guerri her Director of Thesis (1996) from Instituto Investigationes Citologicas, in Valencia, Spain. Postdoctoral position in Sheffield, UK with Dr. Eva Qwarnstrom and Steve Dower. During 3.5 years, working in inflammation and IL-1R1 (from 1997 to 2000). Postdoctoral position in Spain, with Dr. Consuelo Guerri, working in alcohol and inflammation (from 2000 to 2004). Lecturer position in school of medicine, University of Valencia. Department of Physiology (from 2004 to 2008). Senior lecturer in the same University, (from 2008 to 2009). She is presently working as an Assistant professor in department of Physiology, school of medicine, University of Valencia.
Research Interest :

Molecular Medicine
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Kristina Selthofer Relatic     

Kristina Selthofer Relatic, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Osijek
Tel: 00385-31-511-717
University of Osijek
Biography :

Dr. Kristina Selthofer-Relatic, born in 1978. Faculty of Medicine, University Zagreb, Croatia (1996-2002). Postgraduate, doctoral study, field of biomedicine and health (2003-2006). Employed (since 2004) on the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Department for Cardiovascular diseases and intensive care, Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek. Immediate area of interest – echocardiography. Specialist for Internal medicine (2010). Doctorate and published research papers in the field: relation between hypertension and cardiovascular diseases with adipokines and obesity, Faculty of Medicine University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek. Assistant professor, Department for Internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine University Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek (2011).
Research Interest :

Overweight and Obesity, Adipokines, Metabolic Disorders, Hypertension, Ishaemic Heart Diseases, Cardiomyopathy.
 Research Interest
Miroslav Pohanka     

Miroslav Pohanka, PhD
Associate Professor
Centre of Advanced Studies
Faculty of Military Health Sciences
University of Defense
Czech Republic
University of Defence
Biography :

Dr. Miroslav Pohanka graduated in Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Currently, he is a research fellow in Centre of Advanced Studies, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, Univertity of Defence, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic where he devotes his work to constructions of sensors, biochemistry of oxidative stress, biochemistry of cholinesterases and cholinergic system as well. On the named issues, he published as an author or co-author in many papers and solves projects of different grant agencies.
Research Interest :

Toxicology, Biochemistry of Cholinergic system, Biochemistry of Acetylcholinesterase and assay of Neurotoxic toxins or drugs.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Reza Rastmanesh     

Reza Rastmanesh, PhD
Former academic member of Human Nutrition Department, Faculty of Nutrition,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran (now, is an independent researcher)
Tel: 98-21-22357484
Read Interview session with Reza Rastmanesh
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Biography :

Dr. Reza Rastmanesh was an assistant professor in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, clinical nutrition and dietetics department since 2004 to 2010, where he leaded human studies on novel approaches to weight loss, ranging from mixed psychological approaches to traditional and herbal medicine and supplements. He has two theories for weight loss involving melatonin, sleep, appetite, and thermoregulation. He has also other established theories in other medical situations including retinal neovascularization, ocular situations and dermatology. For the past 10 years he has been working on molecular, sociomedical and biomedical levels in diabetes management and obesity control. Research interest: Novel molecular and psychological approaches for weight loss, capsaicin, melatonin. He is now and independent researcher with no university affiliation.
Research Interest :

Novel molecular and psychological approaches for weight loss, capsaicin, melatonin.
 Research Interest
Stritecka Hana Ing     

Stritecka Hana Ing, PhD
Faculty of Military Health Sciences
Department of Military Hygiene and Group of Nutrition
University of Defence
Czech Republic
Tel: 00420 973253055
Fax: 00420 973253273
University of Defence
Biography :

Stritecka Hana Ing received her degree (Ing.) in 1999 and her Ph.D. in 2002 both from The University of Pardubice (Faculty of Chemical Technology). In 1998-2002 she was assistant lecture at the Department of Inorganic technology Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice in 2001 she joined University of Defense and is currently a researcher at the Department of Military Hygiene. From 2004 she has cooperated with the researcher center – the Centrum for Nutrition Disorders, Hradec Kralove.
Research Interest :

Classification of area of risk from unfitting diet and food on human health (quantitative and qualitative); Classification of Environmental health hazards, assessment of optimal work conditions, nutrition and standard of supply of basic and available nutrients, minerals and vitamins on exposed group of people.
 Research Interest
Chen Chee Keong     

Chen Chee Keong, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Sports Science Unit
School of Medical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Biography :

Dr. Chen Chee Keong is a senior lecturer at the Sports Science Unit, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He was a health and physical education lecturer in a teacher training college before joining USM as a university lecturer in 2005. He has a Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia; Masters in Sports Science (Health & Fitness) from University of Essex, United Kingdom; and PhD in Sports Science from USM. He has been awarded a postgraduate prize for his PhD thesis by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia in 2005. His research interests include effects of exercise-induced oxidative stress and other physiological parameters, antioxidant supplementation on sports performance, health and fitness among sedentary population. His academic work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and has been invited as a speaker in both international and national exercise and sports science conferences. He was a former international volleyball referee. He has been the President of the Sports Science Society of Kelantan since 2007. He was the organising chairman of 4 international sports science conferences organized by the Sports Science Unit, USM. Currently, he is the President of the Asian Council of Exercise & Sports Science (ACESS) and Associate Editor cum Section Editor for Exercise Physiology & Sports Nutrition for the Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science (AJESS). He is also serves as a reviewer for international journals and national journals.
Research Interest :

Antioxidants and Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress
Nutritional Supplementation for Sports Performance
Health Effects of Physical Activity Participation on Health and Fitness
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Budi Haryanto     

Budi Haryanto, PhD
Head of Research Division
Associate Professor - Department of Environmental Health
University of Indonesia
Tel: 62-21-786-3479
University of Indonesia
Biography :

Dr. Haryanto received his Ph.D. in epidemiology at the Faculty of Public Health, the University of Indonesia, two master degrees in Environmental Health and Epidemiology from the University of Indonesia and the University of California at Los Angeles respectively, and two bachelor degrees in Environmental Health and Sanitation Technology.
Dr. Budi Haryanto, MSPH, MSc is an Associate professor and former chair of the Department of Environmental Health - Faculty of Public Health and Head of Research Division of the Research Center for Climate Change University of Indonesia. Dr. Haryanto has participated in numerous environmental epidemiology studies. In addition to research on health effects in children of air pollution, including lead, PM 2.5, nano-particles, and biological exposures.
Dr. Haryanto is a Board Director of the Pacific Basin Consortium on Environment and Health, Vice president of the Indonesian Clean Emission Partnerships, Head Division of Environmental Health Sciences Development and Working Group Chairman for Climate Change and Human Health at the Indonesian Public Health Association, and a member of numerous  international and national professional societies and organizations, including the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Clean Air Initiative in Asian Cities (CAI), Indonesian Environmental Health Association, and Indonesian Epidemiological Network (IEN). Most recently he has actively contributed to the studies and development of policy and action plan of health adaptation to climate change.
Research Interest :

Magnetic fields on human health,
Community trial of calcium supplements intervention to reduce children blood lead levels and antioxidant intervention to reduce sick building syndrome.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter

Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
Chennai medical college hospital & Research Centre
Tamil Nadu, India
Biography :

Dr. M.Rajajeyakumar, MBBS, MD, MSc Yoga, CCEBDM (PHFI), PhD, is working as Assistant professor of Physiology at Chennai medical college hospital & research Centre (SRM Group) Trichy, Tamilnadu, India (Affiliated by Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai). He received MBBS degree from Tirunelveli Medical College and completed MD Physiology, under the guidance of Dr.Madanmohan & Dr.J. Balachander (2006-2009) at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER- An Institution of National Importance under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India). He has been teaching Physiology for more than five years after obtained his Master Degree. Then he worked as a senior resident (2009-2012) in the same department and research assistant in Advanced Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education & Research (ACYTER) Lab, JIPMER, collaboration with Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY). He did MSc yoga in Annamalai University and completed ISAK (International Society for the Advancement of Kin anthropometry Level 1 & 2 in the year of 2010-11). He had completed the Basic Course on ECG Interpretation (2013) from Dr.Chenniappan’s ECG & ECHO Club of Trichy and Evidence Based Diabetes Management (CCEBDM), under Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), which was recognized by international Diabetic Federation (IDF) at Trichy diabetic centre (Dr.Shanmugavelu and Dr.Bosco) in the year of 2013-14. Dr. M.Rajajeyakumar has been actively involved in research. His special research experience is in Yoga, autonomic, cognitive, cardio-respiratory, neurophysiology and medical education. He had trained with basic Physiological procedures including human and animal experimental physiology; pulmonary function test (PFT), autonomic function test (AFT), HRV (heart rate variability), EMG (electromyography), & NCS (nerve conduction study) related research. He has published many papers in reputed national & international journals. He is a life member of many national and international journals and scientific bodies. He is an expert reviewer and editorial board member for many national and international journals.He has been selected for Examiner and Question paper setting for various medical, paramedical & biomedical engineering under and post graduate courses. He is one of the resource person in Medical Education Unit for conducting basic Programme on Medical Education Technologies for faculties. He is the in charge of representative for ISO-9001& active members of writing systematic operating procedure (SOP). Recently, he has been appointed as Staff Advisor & Programme Co-ordinator of Youth Red Cross Society of Chennai medical college hospital & research Centre (SRM Group).
Research Interest :

Neurophysiology, Cardio- respiratory physiology, Exercise physiology, Psycho-Neuro-immunology, Neuro-endocrinology, Yoga, Obesity & Aging, Psycho–cardiology, Medical education, Sleep & Nutritional studies, Environmental Physiology, High altitude Physiology, Diabetes & Hypertension.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Yung Hsi Kao     

Yung Hsi Kao, PhD
Professor - Department of Life Science
National Central University
Tel: 886-3-4260839
Fax: 886-3-4228482
National Central University
Biography :

Dr. Yung-Hsi Kao, born in 1963 in Yunlin, Taiwan, Tunghai University (B.S./M.S 1986/1988), North Dakota State University (Ph.D. 1997, Professor Mark A. Sherdian), Postdoctoral Research Associate (1997–2000, Professor Shutsung Liao), University of Chicago, Assistant Professor (2000–2006), Associate Professor (2006-2010), Professor (2010-till date), Director of the NCU Curriculum Division (2006- till date), Director of the Lab Animal Care Center, National Central University, Taiwan.
Research Interest :

Actions of green tea catechins and hormones on fat cells, Signal transduction in fat cells, Herbal medicine, Hormone, Lipid biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular biology, Physiology, Diabetes and Obesity.
 Research Interest
Regina Lee     

Regina Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic university
Biography :

Dr. Regina has practiced nursing in Canada and Hong Kong in the areas of pediatric and public health. Regina obtained her nursing registration in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada and she received her Bachelor Science degree in nursing from the University of Alberta in Canada and her master degree in community health nursing from the D’Youville College in Buffalo in the United States. She then obtained her PhD in nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. Her research interest is in the areas of school health, lifestyle behaviors and psychosocial well-beings of children & adolescents, especially the self-efficacy of physical activity and dietary habits among obese children.
Research Interest :

Pediatrics, Adolescent health
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Kuo Chia Hua     

Kuo Chia-Hua, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Sports Sciences
Taipei Physical Education College
Tel: 886-2-28718288; Ext: 5802
Fax: +886-2-2875-3383
Biography :

Kuo, Chia-Hua, Completed Ph.D. M.A. University of Texas, He currently working as Professor and Chair at the Department of Sports Sciences in Taipei Physical Education College, Taipei, Taiwan. He is also serving as Editor, Reviewer for various international Journals.
Research Interest :

Sports Nutrition and Human Performance; Carbohydrate Metabolism; Obesity Research
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter

Professor of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American University of Beirut Medical Center
Biography :

Karam S. Karam is a Professor of Medicine at the American University of Beirut. In 2005 and 2003 he was Minister of State and Minister of Culture in 2004. He was Minister of Tourism and Alternate Minister of Health 2000-2003. From 1998 – 2000 he was the Minister of Health. He was a member of the Arab Council of Ministers of Tourism, member of the Executive Board of the World Tourism Organization and Executive Board of the World Health Organization.
Research Interest :

Dr. Karam is deeply committed to the causes of health and peace in the world, as primary vehicles against disease, poverty and wars, promoted by a frank effort to reach out to other cultures, bridging misunderstandings and ethnic insensitivities through open dialogue and true cooperation. He is a firm believer in the pivotal role that the WHO should play in the realization of a better world with thriving nations of healthy peoples.
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Akbar N     

Akbar Nikkhah, PhD
Chief Highly Distinguished Professor
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Zanjan
Biography :

Professor Akbar Nikkhah holds BSc in Animal Sciences (University of Zanjan, Iran,1999), MSc in Animal Nutrition (Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 2001), PHD in Dairy Nutritional Physiology (University of Manitoba, Canada, 2007) and PostDoctorate in Nutritional Genomics and Management (University of Illinois, US, 2008). Dr. Nikkhah has received numerous national and international awards & honors and has authored more than 400 influential global scientific publications namely articles, editorials, books, and book chapters. Professor Nikkhah has significantly influenced upon and changed lives of countless people, mentees, mentors, groups, industries, universities, schools, and global institutions in accomplishing resourceful economy and quality life. He speaks in a variety of national and international conferences and meetings serves more than 500 national and international journals, conferences, and publishers as chief science advisor, editor and evaluator. He has been serving the global community as Chief Highly Distinguished Professor and Mentor (University of Zanjan, Iran) and Frontier Highly Distinguished Peace Leader with diversified programs in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science and technology research and education.
Research Interest :

Veterinary, Animal Agricultural, Economical, Educational, Medical, Biological, Microbiological, Biochemical, Genomic, Proteomic and Metabolomic, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnological, Animal Agricultural, Nanotechnological, Humanities and Arts, Managerial, Medical, Physiological, Nutritional, Nanotechnological, Medicinal, Microbiological, Economical, Veterinary, Chronobiochemical, Psychological, Social, Philosophical, Linguistic, Biochemical and Biophysical, Immunological & Pathological, Lingual, Public Health, and Basic Sciences
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Stephen J. Carter     

Dr. Stephen J. Carter
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Nutrition Sciences and Nutrition Obesity Research Center
University of Alabama
Birmingham, AL
University of Alabama
Biography :

 Dr. Stephen J. Carter working as Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Nutrition Sciences and Nutrition Obesity Research Center at University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA. Dr Stephen J. Carter is an author of over 20 papers like Obesity; Nutrition Sciences and Stephen J. Carter published more than 10 abstracts
•The University of Alabama - Ph.D., Human Performance, 2014
•Central Washington University - M.S., Exercise Science, 2010
•Willamette University - B.A., Exercise Science, 2006
Research Interest :

Vascular health and autonomic function across the spectrum of breast cancer diagnosis and survivorship
•Therapeutic potential of exercise training in simulated-altitude (i.e., hypoxia) for clinical populations
•Health disparities among African American and European American women
 Research Interest
 Acceptance Letter
Claudio De L     

Claudio de Lucia
post-doctoral fellow
Center for Translational Medicine
Temple University
Pennsylvania, USA

