دكتر رضا راست منش فعاليت تخصصي خود را عمدتا در زمينه چاقي و لاغري و بيماري هاي وابسته متمركز نموده است. به عنوان يك فرد محقق و علمي، ايشان صاحب بيش از هفتاد عنوان كتاب به صورت ترجمه و تاليف و متجاوز از 45 مقاله علمي است كه بيشتر آنها در معتبرين مجلات انگليسي زبان منجمله فرضيات پزشكي “ Medical Hypotheses ” چاپ شده و جزو پر خواننده ترين مقالات همان مجلات طبقه بنده شده اند.
بخش عمده اي از مقالات ايشان، مقالات تئوريك در زمينه چاقي بوده است كه دستمايه چندين طرح پژوهشي نيز شده است.
كسب سه عنوان متوالي نفر اول كنكور سراسري كشوري در سه مقطع دانشگاهي،
كسب عنوان مولف سال كتاب سال 1379، كسب عنوان پژوهشگر برتر سال 1381 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شهيد بهشتي،
دانشجوي نمونه سال 1383،
جایزه اتحادیه اروپا برای بهترین خلاصه مقاله سال 2010،
سابقه عضويت در فرهنگستان زبان فارسي،
عضويت در كانون نويسندگان جوان ايران،
سابقه عضويت در انجمن تغذيه ايران،
سابقه مشاوره تغذيه فدراسيون معلولين و جانبازان در پارالمپيك سيدني،
سابقه مشاوره فدراسيون تنيس جمهوري اسلامي ايران،
سابقه مشاوره فدراسيون تنیس روی میز جمهوري اسلامي ايران،
سابقه عضويت كميته اجرايي و علمي طرح ملي آنتروپومتري،
رتبه اول امتحان جامع دوره دكترا،
سابقه تهيه كنندگي برنامه هاي علمي تلويزيوني در شبكه هاي مختلف صدا و سيما،
سابقه سردبيري نشريه علمي-پزشكي ابن سيناي بزرگ و سابقه عضويت در هيات تحريريه مجلات علمي انگليسي زبان متعدد بخشي از فعاليت هاي علمي ايشان است. براي نمونه مي توان به ژورنال هاي زير اشاره كرد:
World Journal of Nutrition and Health
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
Vitamins & Minerals

دكتر رضا راست منش از سال 2012 تا پايان 2014 ميلادي به عنوان سردبير نشريه آمريكايي Nutrition and Health برگزيده شده و انتخاب اخير ايشان به عنوان سردبير دو نشريه بين المللي جديدا تاسيس يافته و انقلابي در عرصه علم تحت عنوان "Bioinformatics in Nutrition" و همچنين "Non-Caloric Methods for Weight Loss" جزو افتخارات ايشان است.
مشاركت در نگارش 4 فصل كتاب انگليسي زبان كه توسط كالج سلطنتي لندن به چاپ رسيده و مشاركت در تاليف دو كتاب زبان شناسي و ريشه شناسي از ديگر فعاليت هاي ديگر ايشان است.
Reza Rastmanesh, Ph.D.
Current Address
Independent Researcher
1992-1997 B.Sc. Nutrition Science, Tabriz Medical Sciences University, Tabriz, Iran
1997-1999 M.Sc. Nutrition Science, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran Iran
1999-2004 Ph.D. Nutrition, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.Summary of Positions Held
Since Feb 2004 to 2011 Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, I was an assistant Professor until 2011:Duties Include: Research, conducting lectures for students of undergraduate and postgraduate students
Sept 2003–2004 Canberra Hospital, Canberra, Australia- Autoimmunity Research Unit
Visiting Medical Research Officer/ Ph.D. Candidate in Nutrition, Duties included: Conducting experiments, research and analysis of data for a specific research project examining the effects of omega-3 fatty acid and EPA/DHA on NO-induced and cytokine-induced beta cell apoptosis in NOD mice. Conducting other experiments, research and data analysis as required by supervisor (Professor Nikolai Petrovsky: Flinder's University, Australia).
2003 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Lecturer (Ph.D. candidate) – Nutrition Sciences and Diet Therapy,Duties Include: Research, conducting lectures for students of undergraduate and postgraduate.
2002 Iranian Ministry of Information and Technology:
Duties include: Specific project – providing a proposal of “Health Information System” (HIS) in English
2000 Iranian National Committee for Disabled Sportsmen Sydney, Australia
Duties include: Sports Dietician (Nutritional counseling, pre-exercise diets and post exercise recovery diets, etc). This collaboration has lead to a paper "Nutritional Knowledge and Attitudes in Athletes with Physical Disabilities. Journal of Athletic Training.2007; 42 (1):99–105. Reza Rastmanesh, et al. 2000
Channel 4 – Iranian National Television
Producer/Medical Researcher, Duties include: Providing an education documentary for medical practitioners. Documentary included research into nutrition and diet therapy in disease. I researched, completed and produced all 30 episodes of the documentary
1999-2000Endocrine Research Centre- Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Research Scientist (Ph.D. candidate), Duties included: Providing in-depth research and analysis of data on a variety of medical research specially endocrinology. Conducting experiments, analyzing medical data, and publishing medical articles. Assisting with administrative duties in the laboratory as required.
Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Award for Outstanding Student-Researcher (1998-1999).
Parliament's Best Award for the Islamic Republic of Iran Year book (1999),
President's Award for the Best Student of the Country (2004),
Micronutrient Initiative's Award for the Book Translation (2003), ESPEN 2008 Travel Award (2008).
Professional Memberships
Member of Persian Language Academy
Member of Young Iranian Writers
Member of National Ergonomics Committee
Member of Iranian Young Writers Association
Member of Iranian Outdoor Climbing Association
Member of Iranian Nutritional Association
Member of Education Development Office, Faculty of Nutrition
Editor in chief:
Signpost Open Access Journal of Bioinformatics in Nutrition
Signpost Open access Journal of Non-Caloric Methods for Weight Loss
Technical Editor/Peer Reviewer for:
American Journal of Applied Sciences,
Asian Journal of Scientific Research,
American Journal of Food,
Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
The Journal of Pain
Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy
Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy
Journal of Nutrition and Health
2002 Azizi F, Mirmiran P, Sheikholeslam R, Hedayati M, Rastmanesh R. The relation between serum ferritin and goiter, urinary iodine and thyroid hormone concentration. Int J Vitamin Nutr Res, 2002 Oct; 72(5):296-9 2007.
2007 Rastmanesh R, Taleban FA, Kimiagar M, Mehrabi Y, Salehi M. Knowledge and Attitudes in Athletes with Physical Disabilities. Journal of Athletic Training. 2007; 42(1):99–105.
2008 Rastmanesh R, Abargouei S, Shadman Zh, Ebrahimi AA, Weber C, A pilot study of potassium supplementation in the treatment of hypokalaemic patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of Pain (published ahead of print).
2008 Rastmanesh R, Marci EG, Shadman Zh, Comparison of Body Dissatisfaction and Cosmetic Rhinoplasty with Levels of Veil Practicing in Islamic Women. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2009 May;42(4):339-45.
2008 Rastmanesh R. Psoriasis and Vegetarian Diets: A Role for Cortisol and Potassium? Medical Hypotheses. 2009 Mar;72(3):368.
2009 Reza Rastmanesh. Hypothetical hormonal mechanism by which potassium-rich diets benefit patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Oct;73(4):564-8. Epub 2009 Jun 27.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh. Drug policy and treatment bias due to the dopamine-deficit theory of child attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD Atten Def Hyp Disord. 2010 Nov;2(3):149-57.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh. High polyphenol, low probiotic diet for weight loss because of intestinal micribiota interaction. Chemico-biological Interactions. 2011 Jan 15;189(1-2):1-8.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh, Samira Rabiee, Youssef Shaabani, Hossein Mazinani, Ali Akbar Ebrahimi, Ahmad Reza Jamshidi. Validation of the Persian version of the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Paramedical Sciences (JPS) Winter 2010 Vol.1, No.1 ISSN 2008-496X.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh. Potential of melatonin to treat or prevent age-related macular degeneration through stimulation of telomerase activity. Med Hypotheses. 2010 Sep 28.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh. An urgent need to include risk-benefit analysis in clinical trialinvestigating conjugated linoleic acid supplements in cancer patients. Contemp Clin Trials. 2010 Sep 21.
2010 Reza Rastmanesh. Alopecia and ocular alterations: a role for Minoxidil? J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2010 Jun;30(3):189-92.
2010 Yousef Shaabani, Maryam Foroughi, Reza Rastmanesh, Ahmadreza Jamshidi, Narges Tajik, Omid Assadi. Assessment of antioxidant nutrient intake and malondiadehyde plasma level in rheumatoid arthritis ARYA Atherosclerosis Journal 2009; Volume 5, Issue1
2011 Possible augmentation of photosensitivity by dietary furanocoumarins in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Reza Rastmanesh, Alan N Baer Lupus. 2011 Oct;20(10):1005-9.
2012 Possibility of enhanced risk of retinal neovascularization in repeated blood donors: blood donation and retinal alteration. Reza Rastmanesh. International Journal of General Medicine, 2011;4:647-56.
2012 Rastmanesh R, Allegri F, Celep G, Lorenzetti A, Polimeni A, Yadav. Beneficial effect of a sturgeon-based bioactive compound on gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, matrix metalloproteinases and type-10 collagen in human chondrocytes. Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Jul-Sep;26(3):337-45.
2012 Hejazi J, Rastmanesh R, McCarty MF. Common pathologic pathways: A single prescription dream? Med Hypotheses. 2012 Oct;79(4):553-4.
2012 Hejazi J, Rastmanesh R. Association between tamoxifen treatment and diabetes : A population-based study. Cancer. 2012 Jul 6.
2012 Rastmanesh R, Beauchet O, Annweiler C. Vitamin D deficiency and depression: Causal relationship or artifact? Biofactors. 2012 Sep;38(5):317-9.
2012 Marotta F, Polimeni A, Solimene U, Lorenzetti A, Minelli E, Jain S, Rastmanesh R, Sedriep S, Soresi V. Beneficial modulation from a high-purity caviar-derived homogenate on chronological skin aging. Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Apr;15(2):174-7.
2012 Rastmanesh R, Marotta F, Kantah MK, Nagpal R, Lorenzetti A, Takadanohara H, Mashizume H, Kobayashi R, Chui de H. POLI-mix functional food enhances steady-state bioenergetic status independently of age: an experimental study. Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Apr;15(2):161-4.
2012 Rastmanesh R, de Bruin PF. Potential of melatonin for the treatment or prevention of obesity: an urgent need to include weight reduction as a secondary outcome in clinical trials of melatonin in obese patients with sleep disorders. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Jul;33(4):574-5.
2012 Sanz Y, Rastmanesh R, Agostonic C. Understanding the role of gut microbes and probiotics in obesity: how far are we? Pharmacol Res. 2013 Mar;69(1):144-55.
2012 Rabiee S, Afghari N, Rastmanesh R. Short-term and Mid-term Effects of Fasting and Downset Meal Pattern on Lipid Profile in Iranian Fasted Women. J Relig Health. 2012 Oct 31.
2013 Annweiler C, Rastmanesh R, Richard-Devantoy S, Beauchet O. The role of vitamin D in depression: from a curious idea to a therapeutic option. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Nov;74(11):1121-2. doi: 10.4088/JCP.13ac08783.
2014 Paliy O, Piyathilake CJ, Kozyrskyj A, Celep G, Marotta F, Rastmanesh R. Excess body weight during pregnancy and offspring obesity: potential mechanisms. Nutrition. 2014 Mar;30(3):245-51. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2013.05.011. Epub 2013 Oct 6. Review.
2014 Catanzaro R, Celep G, Illuzzi N, Milazzo M, Rastmanesh R, Yaduvanshi SK, He F, Trushin M, Sapienza C, Srivastava N, Marotta F. Anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic effect of the YHK phytocompound in hepatocytes: in view of an age-management liver-protecting approach. Rejuvenation Res. 2014 Apr;17(2):168-71. doi: 10.1089/rej.2013.1492. Epub 2014 Apr 8.
2012 Rastmanesh R. Possibility of enhanced risk of retinal angiogenesis in athletes with pre- existing retinal situation abusing erythropoietin doping: a hypothesis. Curr Drug Saf. 2012 Apr;7(2):164-9.
2014 Catanzaro R, Celep G, Zerbinati N, Papacharalambous M, Nagpal R, Marotta F, Rastmanesh R, Milazzo M, Lorenzetti A, Bertuccelli G, Sollano J.In vitro protective effect of Celergen, a bioactive marine compound, on interleukin-6-related invasiveness of pancreatic cancer. Acta Biomed. 2014 May 9;85(1):44-51.
2014 McCarty MF, Hejazi J, Rastmanesh R. Beyond androgen deprivation: ancillary integrative strategies for targeting the androgen receptor addiction of prostate cancer. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Sep;13(5):386-95. doi: 10.1177/1534735414534728. Epub 2014 May 26.
2014 Rastmanesh R, Hejazi J, Marotta F, Hara N. Type 2 diabetes: a protective factor for prostate cancer? An overview of proposed mechanisms. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2014 Jun;12(3):143-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2014.01.001. Epub 2014 Jan 5. Review.
1996 Micronutrient Fortification of Foods, 1996 (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, published by a grant of Micronutrient Initiative (Canada, MI Award Agreement No.10-0220-1-1).
1998 Technology of Cake Making, Bamphord, 1997 (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, 670 pages).
1999 A Pocket Guide to Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy, Compiled by Reza Rastmanesh, Winner of book of the year in Iran, , 600 pages).
1999 Clinical Nutrition, Case Studies, Wayne E. Billon, 1998 (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, 1999, 300 pages).
2004 Exercise in Diabetes Mellitus, Dinesh Nagi and Bill Burr, 1998 (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, 1999, 290 pages).
2004 Weight Management (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh).
2004 Nutritional Epidemiology, second edition, Walter Willet, Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, in process.
2004 Statistical Methods in Health Care Research (Translated by Reza Rastmanesh, in publish).
2005 HACCP in food sciences (Translated by Rouhollah Ferdowsi, Reza Rastmanesh).
2005 Critical Appraisal of Medical Articles (Compiled by Reza Rastmanesh et al).
2008 Food Processing: Nutritional Implications: in press (Compiled by Reza Rastmanesh, Zhaleh Shadman).
2008 Translation of Krause's Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy,L. Kathleteen Mahan, Sylvia Escott-Stump, editors. Krause's Food, Nutrition, and Diet Therapy. Philadelphia: 2008.
2011 Bioactive Foods in Chronic Disease States, Chapter Potassium and arthritis, to be published by Elsevier, Editor, Ronald Ross Watson Ph.D.
Co-authorship in English Books:
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Arthritis and Related Diseases.
By Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy, Chapter 38: Biactive Foods and Nutrients. Reza Rastmanesh
Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease, Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy.
Chapter 43: Microbioal etabolism of Polyphenols and Health, Gulcin Sagdicoglu Celep, Reza Rastmanesh, Francesco Marotta
2001 Azizi F, Mirmiran P, Sheikholeslam R, Hedayati M, Rastmanesh R. Association of ferritin with goiter, urinary iodine and serum thyroid hormones in schoolchildren of Iran. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (IJEM) summer 2001; 3(2 (SN 10)):89-94.
2002 Azizi, F. Mirmiran P, Sheikholeslam R, Hedayati M, Rastmanesh R. Goitre survey and urinary iodine concentration in schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 year of Sistan and Balouchestan province in 1996. Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. (http://www.zdmu.ac.ir/publication/books/tab809.htm)
2002 Hedayati M, Mirmiran P, Rastmanesh R, Sheikholeslam R, Azizi, F. Goitre survey and urinary iodine concentration in schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 year of Ardabil province in 1996, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. Fall 2002.
2002 Delshad H, Sheikholeslam R, Rastmanesh R, Mirmiran P, Tulu F, Azizi, F. Goitre survey and urinary iodine concentration in schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 year of Ardabil province in 1996. Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. Fall 2002.
2004 Rastmanesh R, Talefan F, Kimiagar M, Mehrabi Y. Effect of fish oil supplementation on inflammatory mediators, blood pressure, lipids and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Pejouhande, Fall 2004.
2005 Kazemi M, Kimiagar M, Rastmanesh R, Sarreshteh M, Talefan F.A. Effects of L-carnitine acute supplementation on blood lactate levels and the distance run by athletes on treadmill by the time to reach anaerobic thresholds. Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Fall 2005; 10, Serial number 37: 43-52.
2000 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Modern Aspects of Nutrition-Present Knowledge of Future Perspectives, Vienna, Austria. Nutritional status of Iranian disabled sportsmen participated in Sydney Para-Olympics, 2000. Rastmanesh R.
2000 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Modern Aspects of Nutrition-Present Knowledge of Future Perspectives, Vienna, Austria; “Frequency of NIDDM in first degree relatives of patients with NIDDM, IGT, and controls, 1998". Rastmanesh R, Shaker-Hosseini R, Navai L, Mehrabi Y. 2000.
2001 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Modern Aspects of Nutrition-Present Knowledge of Future Perspectives, Vienna, Austria; Manipulation of health education models in community nutrition. Salehi M, D Shojaei Zadeh, Rastmanesh R.
2000 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Modern Aspects of Nutrition-Present Knowledge of Future Perspectives, Vienna, Austria; Nutrition survey in the biggest tribe of Qashgai confederacy, Iran. Shojaei Zadeh D, Rastmanesh R, Salehi M.
2002 28th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Sep. 7-11, 2002, Sweden. Mirmiran P, Sheikoleslam R, Hedayati M, Rastmanesh R. The relation between serum ferritin and goiter, urinary iodine and thyroid hormone concentration.
2002 5th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran. Abstract: Frequency of NIDDM in first degree relatives of patients with NIDDM, IGT, and Controls, 1998. Rastmanesh R, Shaker-Hosseini R, Navai L, Mehrabi Y.
2003 6th International Congress of Nutrition, Ahwaz Medical University, Iran. Abstract: Comparison of different methods for evaluating vitamin A status, 1999. Estakian, T, Kimiagar M, Rastmanesh R.
2003 6th International Congress of Sports and Exercise, Rasht Medical University, Iran. Abstract: Nutritional status of Iranian disabled sportsmen who participated in the Sydney Para-Olympics, 2000. Rastmanesh R.
2004 4th International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress, Using wrist circumference overestimate energy requirements in wheel chair-dependent athletes. Rastmanesh R.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of DHA on NO-induced apoptosis in NOD mice. Rastmanesh R, Petrovsky N, Socha L, Correcha M, Silva D.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of EPA on cytokines-induced apoptosis in NOD mice. Rastmanesh R, Petrovsky N, Socha L, Correcha M, Silva D.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of EPA on NO-induced apoptosis in NOD mice. Rastmanesh R, Petrovsky N, Socha L, Correcha M, Silva D.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of fish oil supplementation on inflammatory mediators, blood pressure, lipids and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Rastmanesh R, Talefan F, Kimiagar M, Mehrabi Y.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Serum IL-6 predicts insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Rastmanesh R, Talefan F, Kimiagar M, Mehrabi Y.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of DHA on cytokine-induced apoptosis in NOD mice. Rastmanesh R, Petrovsky N, Socha L, Correcha M, Silva D.
2004 8th International Congress of Nutrition, Tehran, Iran, Effect of fish oil supplementation on inflammatory mediators, blood pressure, lipids and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Rastmanesh R, Talefan F, Kimiagar M, Mehrabi Y.
2006 7th International Conferences on Dietary Assessment Methods, Copenhagen, Denmark. Armspan and wrist circumference measurements in Iranian physically disabled people: Implications on energy needs. Rastmanesh R.
2006 7th International Conferences on Dietary Assessment Methods, Copenhagen, Denmark, The use of armspan measurement to assess the nutritional status of adults in six Iranian ethnic groups. Rastmanesh R.
2008 6th International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress, 2-6 April 2008, Antalya, Turkey. Comparison of Dysmenorrhea and Strict Nutritional and Sport Practices in Islamic Women. Rastmanesh R, Shadman Zh.
2008 6th International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress, 2-6 April 2008, Antalya, Turkey. Relation of Situational Inventory of Body-Image Dysphoria-Short form (SIBID-S) and Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) in Tehranian Athlete Women. Ratmanesh R, Shadman Zh, Darbandi-Azar S.
2008 30th ESPEN Congress.13-16 September, Florence, Italy.Comparison of visual analogue-based self-reported mood ratings between tea-drinkers and coffee-drinkers. Rastmanesh R, Shadman Zh.
Research Grants (2006/07) and Study Chair (registered in www.clinicaltrials.gov):
Omega-3 and Vitamin E Supplementation in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00399282?order=1
A Pilot Study of Potassium Supplementation for Adult Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00461448?order=4
Effect of Urtica Dioica on Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00422357?order=3
Comparison of Body Dissatisfaction Among Islamic Veil Practicing (IVP), Non-Complete IVP, and Inconsiderate to IVP Women: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00417547?order=2
Iranian Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Glutamine Study http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01219608
Completed Postgraduate Supervision
2007: Omega-3 and Vitamin E Supplementation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (MSc).
2007: Effect of Urtica Dioica on Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MSc).
1992 Outstanding student in Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences entrance examination at Tabriz Medical University.
1996 Outstanding student in Master of Nutrition Sciences entrance examination at Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
1998 Outstanding student in PhD of Nutrition Sciences entrance examination at Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences resulting in full scholarship.
Teaching Courses:
Undergraduate: Diet Therapy I and II, Basics of Nutrition, Food Processing and Nutrition. Graduate: Introduction to Modern Diet Therapy, Modern Knowledge of Nutrition. Relevant topics: how to write a proposal etc.
English (fluent), Persian (native), Turkish (native), Azeri (native)
Personal History
Citizenship: Iranian, Born in 1975, in Tehran, Iran.
Ph.D. with 11 years of experience.
Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access (queries building, forms creation and reports)
Excellent knowledge of the SPSS software
Excellent statistical knowledge
Proficient window based computer skills
Proven ability to work independently
Proven ability to prioritize multiple competing assignments/tasks
Strong organizational skills
Numerous grant writing/manuscript editing experience
Proven ability to work with a team and independently
Exceptional critical thinking